пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

elissa fatet mazikana senen

I got up ridiculously early this morning
I have apparently forgotten how to sleep in.

I have class at 11, which means leaving home at 10:15. I wanted to shower this morning, but even showering and blow-drying my hair in addition to the usual morning get-readiness shouldnapos;t take more than 2 hours.

I got up at 6:50.
By 8:30 am I was up, showered, dressed, I had messed about on the internet, blow-dried/styled my hair, blah blah blah.

Basically what I am saying is that it is 9:15 and I am completely ready to leave for the say, though I am sans shoes at the moment.

Oh well.
I think this will be a good day- it is Friday, after all.

I just started listening to Grace Potter and the Nocturnals again. I had one single and I loved it, so today I downloaded "This is Somewhere."

I loves it.

Life is good. Peter and I are doing really well. I am still so bananasandwich about him, which is a nice change from my usual ways of being crazy about someone until the novelty wears off. Its so mushy, but he still gives me goosebumps when he kisses me Gotta love that.
Other good things: I am doing well in school, I like my job well enough, my bills are getting paid, and two standout moments of this week: 1. I got a little sister No, my mother did not have a bebeh, I joined Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I was matched up this Wednesday with a little girl in second grade. She is apparently a total sweetheart, but below grade level. Her teacher wants me to read with her and work on stuff like that. I am wicked excited.
2. One of my best friends from my high school years called me up, also on Wednesday, totally out of the blue. Kelley and I hadnapos;t seen each other since the end of my junior year of high school. We went to different schools and knew each other through HCT. When I stopped going, we sort of lost touch. Then I graduated and moved to NY and she graduated and moved to Boston. It is funny how closely our stories match each other- she didnapos;t end up getting her bachelors, she got her associates and then moved to Cali to live her with (now ex) boyfriend.

Anyway, Kel and I ended up grabbing dinner at Red Robin and talking for almost an hour and a half. It was great. She wanted to have a reunion of all the old interns. Of course, we are all spread out around the country now. The funny thing is, I had just talked to Nick the day before via FB. He is home for a bit as well. I am pretty positive that Calum is still around the 860, and Kelley thought that a few others might be, too. We both ran into Keith recently, and Danny would come, of course. He turns 21 today, so we could, in theory, all go grab a drink.

I donapos;t think this will ACTUALLY happen, but it was a fun prospect to discuss. Steve and Lori have their own theatre company now, which is so awesome. Lori is still writing and directing things. She always had such a knack for getting small children to perform really well.

Hopefully Kelley and I will get together again soon, I would like to have her in my life again.

So, my plan is to get out of work between 4-6pm tonight. (AKA, I want to leave at 4pm, but I want the money that leaving at 6 would give me.) I didnapos;t work on Monday (Columbus Day) so there is no way that Iapos;ll get the 25 hours this week that I always strive for, but I will be fine if I can get 21.
I have 17.5 right now, I believe, and I will get to work by 12:30 at the latest. That means I can leave at 4 p.m. With 21. If Jerry and Francisco would like to stay late, I will stay as late as 7, though I think the latest they would stay today would be 6.
ANYWAY, to move on from boring speculation, after work I am heading to Vernon. If I get out at 4 p.m., or anytime before 6:30, I will go right to Peterapos;s and snug him for a lil while before I go to Jonapos;s. If I get out after, I will go right to Jonapos;s. We keep almost hanging out, then one of us (I admit it is usually me) cancels. We have very contradictory schedules. We are going to watch a movie and chat, then I am going (back?) to Peterapos;s.
My weekend is pretty sweet- I have only the teensiest bit of Linguistics homework, one book to read, and a paper to start (or at least consider topics). So Friday no work will be done. Saturday I shall sleep in as much as I would like... Which means I should be up and dressed by 9:30. :)
I need to clean up my room. It looks as though my dresser and closet were bombed: there are clean clothes coating every inch of the room. I should have about 6 hours to get it done, and even with my level of procrastination I should get a lot done. Around 4:00 I will meet Carolyn at Rockville HS so we can go to the band competition. That will be the rest of my night- traveling there, the actual competition, and the critique will probably go late-ish.
Then we are heading to a Party at Paulapos;s place. Maybe I will even drink haha, silly Kat.
Sunday will be a relaxing day. I will stay at Peterapos;s after the par-tay and we will probably be awake and dressed by 10:30. Ciara and I may go letter-boxing, which would be a fun treat. For the most part, though, I would like to just relax with Peter.

I wrote a lot. Itapos;s actually a reasonable time for me to head to school. That way I will get to class early and can get some more reading done on The Subtle Knife.

Okay, homies, Iapos;m out. :)

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